Friday, April 22, 2016

A Lot Happens in a Year

Hmm.. Where to start? Sleep challenges due to my uh, current "season" of life? Emotional ups and downs as life's milestones have been grouped together so closely? 

Having emerged from it, I realize I was in a funk from the time Michael and Matt graduated high school until about February. Granted, four children still live with us. However, my role as homeschool mom has been decreasing since moving to California. In September, Matt started college and Michael was pursuing his dream of becoming a US Marine. That left poor Jon home with me, "encouraging" him to complete his school work (or nagging as he would say).
I began to pray, asking the Lord to direct my steps and open doors for me to serve him in new ways. I believe I thought   the path would be clear and linear. Unsurprisingly, it was

 1 Kings 19:12 says, "And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.  And after the fire the sound of a low whisper." Sitting still is challenging for me, but I am learning the discipline of praying and listening to my Lord (Ps 46:10).
As I searched online for volunteer opportunities, I came across CHOC hospital. While searching their website, I happened upon pet therapy as an opportunity. What a great idea! 

 Kopi is our almost two-year old Double-Doodle, a mix of Goldendoodle and Labradoodle. Our entire family has embraced him (some to greater degrees than others). I signed up for a one day training and proceeded to have us evaluated by Pet Partners. Upon learning we passed, I began the process of becoming a volunteer at CHOC. Let's say it is comprehensive and thorough.

After four training visits, we are now awaiting our official 
orders for which day will be our regular time slot for 
brightening the day of the patients, parents and employees of this top-notch facility.

Reflecting upon these past several months, I see my path looks more like a meander through a meadow rather  
than a  journey on a straight path.  I am available and learning the art of flexibility. I chuckle at the Lord's gentle yet unrelenting pursuit to make me more like Him. I think of that 
beautiful worship song by Misty Edwards, "You Won't Relent Until You Have it All." The Lord ardently pursues us because he so loves us. 

 The question to ask ourselves is, "Are we playing hard-to-get"?

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