Saturday, December 22, 2018

2018 Reflections

So much has transpired in my life and heart this year; from several milestones occurring to deeper understanding of who God is and who I am in Him.

Nicole graduated high school and lived in Reno from the end of June until Thanksgiving; Michael and Matt both became engaged, and Jon received his driver’s permit. Upon reflection, much of our time here in California up to this point has been a season of many milestones. It seems like I can hardly catch my breath-high school and college graduations, becoming a MOM (Mom Of a Marine), engagements, marriage, divorce and marriage again!

Spiritually, a separate post or two is necessary to address all the Lord has done during this season! I will share some of the most recent lessons he has taught me. I recently finished my first bible study with Jen Wilkin on Genesis 1-11 (God of Creation). Obedience is the overarching lesson the Lord showed me during this study; from Eve believing that she knew better than God (Gen 3:2-3), to Cain, angry because his sacrifice was not acceptable to God (Gen 4: 3-7), to the wickedness of man, resulting in the Lord regretting he made man (Gen 6: 5-7), God’s heart was  grieved because his people did not obey Him.

I know I have grieved God’s heart before and I have repented for that. Since sanctification is a life-long process, I know I will have need in the future to again repent. Yet, I am hopeful those occurrences will grow further apart in time. Rebellion hurts not only God , but also me and those around me. We do not live in a bubble and we are created for relationship- first and foremost with God, and next with the people he places  in our life- our family of origin, spouse, children, friends and co-workers.

My life has been greatly enriched the past ten weeks since my niece gave birth to her fourth baby, who I affectionately refer to as Peanut since he was sic pounds eight ounces at birth. I am blessed to not have to work outside the home- thank you God and Hon. Having received my marching orders last year about being available, I have started caring for three sweet knuckleheads, as their dad lovingly refers to them, twice a week. On Tuesdays, I drive to my niece’s and hang out for the day.

This past Tuesday Peanut’s siblings were performing their holiday program at school. I was SO excited to see them, but on Monday I received a call from a friend. Her mom was in the hospital and she was asking if I knew any college students who could sit with her mom on Tuesday for a few hours. Immediately, I knew I was being presented with an opportunity to obey the Lord’s leading...or not.  I told my friend I would sit with her mom. On Tuesday, rather than spend the day watching the kids perform, I sat with a precious woman who was not well, having lost her husband of over fifty years only two months ago. I read scripture to her and told her some of the things her daughter and I had recently done.  I left a bit after noon and returned home, squeezing in a short twenty minute nap before facing the rest of the day. I think of my Hawaii pastor’s words, “Walk in God’s will, God’s way by reading God’s word; what happens when we are sitting under the fountain of God’s will? There are both blessings and blasting-which do you choose?” All that to say obedience matters to God so it ought to matter to us.

On a lighter note, I have come to appreciate laughter more this year. Part of it stems from hanging around with fun, funny people like Traci, Kathy and Steph. Part of it is a result of the way I do life-fast, with purpose and much...passion, and humor. I crack myself up and over the past few years I have thought about recording myself and sharing somehow. I took the plunge into the world of You Tube in November, much to the chagrin of some of my family members (who shudder at the notion their midlife mom may act in an embarrassing manner ☺️). You can find me at #Reallifemidlifemom.
With so much heaviness in the world, laughter has become one of God’s most fun blessings in my day.

I challenge you to reflect on what you have learned this year. Feel free to post in the comments, and if I can figure out how to find the after I post this, I will happily read and respond.

Blessed to be a blessing,