Monday, April 6, 2015


I have discovered Hobby Lobby since moving to California. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the, even if you have not visited one before; they are in the news due to their stance regarding biblical values on marriage.
Thursday evening as I browsed the aisles for a few remainng Easter items, I happened upon a sign-love extravagantly. I purchased it and promptly hung it in my powder room.

Two days later I participated in an outreach with a group of people from my church. We have been sowing into the people at two apartment complexes in our area for several months now. People recognized us and we knew some of them by name.

One boy, Richard, arrived a bit early for the egg hunt. When he asked for a sack for his eggs, I asked him his age. "Eleven" he answered. I told him the egg hunt was for ten and younger. "I'm nine" he laughingly stated.

Twenty minutes later, I gathered the children and explained the areas for the hunt. One of the assistant managers saw Richard and gave him "the look". He embarrassingly stepped away from the group.

A few hours later while returning to the gathering after dropping two of my children at home, I was prompted to reward Richard - I looked in my wallet, thinking I would give him five dollars. Since I had just went to the ATM, I only had twenty-dollar bills. Immediately the words from the sign hanging in my powder room flashed in front of my eyes. Then, in case I needed further confirmation, the words from Darryl Evans worship song, Your Love is Extravagant flooded my mind-
Your love is extravagant
Your friendship, it is intimate
I feel like moving to the rhythm of Your grace
Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place
Your love is extravagant

Was I willing to be extravagant with my money to demonstrate love to Richard? I pulled him aside and told him how honesty is a good thing, how we are to always tell the truth; then I put the money in his brown bag and walked away.  He smiled ear to ear!  At the end of the gathering, I asked him to tell me one thing he learned that day. "Honesty" he said.

Our Lord loves us extravagantly and unconditionally. He gave his life for us and our purpose in life is to bring him glory by allowing his Holy Spirit to flow through us into others, especially those who do not yet know him.

My challenge to us- In what areas are we stingy, holding on to something, refusing to give up our "rights"?

Our Lord's discipline is not condemning, yet convicting. Please hear the right voice if you experience something while reading. From the time we give our lives to Jesus, he is making us more like him. I was reminded today that many call him "Savior", but to whom is he truly "Lord" over their lives?

Not a popular idea in today's "I-can-do-what-I want" attitude.

We are highly valued and loved by the Father. May we choose to live each day fully surrendered to him.
