Monday, April 6, 2015


I have discovered Hobby Lobby since moving to California. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the, even if you have not visited one before; they are in the news due to their stance regarding biblical values on marriage.
Thursday evening as I browsed the aisles for a few remainng Easter items, I happened upon a sign-love extravagantly. I purchased it and promptly hung it in my powder room.

Two days later I participated in an outreach with a group of people from my church. We have been sowing into the people at two apartment complexes in our area for several months now. People recognized us and we knew some of them by name.

One boy, Richard, arrived a bit early for the egg hunt. When he asked for a sack for his eggs, I asked him his age. "Eleven" he answered. I told him the egg hunt was for ten and younger. "I'm nine" he laughingly stated.

Twenty minutes later, I gathered the children and explained the areas for the hunt. One of the assistant managers saw Richard and gave him "the look". He embarrassingly stepped away from the group.

A few hours later while returning to the gathering after dropping two of my children at home, I was prompted to reward Richard - I looked in my wallet, thinking I would give him five dollars. Since I had just went to the ATM, I only had twenty-dollar bills. Immediately the words from the sign hanging in my powder room flashed in front of my eyes. Then, in case I needed further confirmation, the words from Darryl Evans worship song, Your Love is Extravagant flooded my mind-
Your love is extravagant
Your friendship, it is intimate
I feel like moving to the rhythm of Your grace
Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place
Your love is extravagant

Was I willing to be extravagant with my money to demonstrate love to Richard? I pulled him aside and told him how honesty is a good thing, how we are to always tell the truth; then I put the money in his brown bag and walked away.  He smiled ear to ear!  At the end of the gathering, I asked him to tell me one thing he learned that day. "Honesty" he said.

Our Lord loves us extravagantly and unconditionally. He gave his life for us and our purpose in life is to bring him glory by allowing his Holy Spirit to flow through us into others, especially those who do not yet know him.

My challenge to us- In what areas are we stingy, holding on to something, refusing to give up our "rights"?

Our Lord's discipline is not condemning, yet convicting. Please hear the right voice if you experience something while reading. From the time we give our lives to Jesus, he is making us more like him. I was reminded today that many call him "Savior", but to whom is he truly "Lord" over their lives?

Not a popular idea in today's "I-can-do-what-I want" attitude.

We are highly valued and loved by the Father. May we choose to live each day fully surrendered to him.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Divine Incidences

Divine appointments are similar in nature to GodincidencesGod winks, and checks in your spirit. These Christianese terms all refer to ways that Christians feel like God is trying to steer us into a specific encounter or experience so that we can serve God or maybe play a part in the lives of other
Coincidence- a situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or

The above definitions reflect similar thoughts about a topic all of us have experienced at one time or another. I choose to believe that our God, in his desire to let us know how much we are truly loved, arranges Godincidences in our lives.

Recently, I have experienced firsthand, several of these faith-occurrences. If you do not subscribe to this theory of God-inspired interactions in daily life, you may choose to not continue reading; if you are curious or need encouragement regarding this phenomenon, read on!

I have a dear friend from Hawaii and we spoke on the phone a few weeks back. In conversation, I mentioned I was in Chino Hills, CA for an afternoon. She asked if she had told me about her friend Norma, who also lives in Chino Hills. I told her no, she had not mentioned her to me before. She proceeds to tell me all about this woman and how we would be great friends. She went as far giving both me and Norma each other's  phone numbers.

We talked on the phone and became friends on Facebook (sounds so strange to see that in print-virtual friends with someone I have never met?). This past Friday we met for lunch and truly enjoyed getting to know each other.

The next day, while watching my son's soccer game, I see his girlfriend, her sister, and her mom (who live in Chino Hills) who came to watch the game. We're chatting and I mention that I met a new friend for lunch who also lives in Chino Hills. The mom asks me my friends name and I say, "Norma." Excitedly, she says, "Not Norma ---?" "Yes, that's her," I say.

Come to find out, my son's girlfriend's parents took a parenting class many years back at their church. Yes, Norma and her husband taught the classes! In fact, his girlfriend's parents went on to pair up with them and facilitate those same classes at the church. 

When I spoke with Norma Saturday evening, she was as surprised as I was at this 
"Godincident".  She thinks very highly of this family, which of course, blesses my heart (not 
that I didn't already know that).  I know the Lord used this to affirm the peace I have about their new, blossoming friend/relation-ship.

In case you're enjoying this, here is one more "Go God" incident.  While my friend was in town last month, we visited her aunt in Newport Beach-she invited us to her weekly bible study. At the end, one of the women, Rita, asks me if I craft. "I can copy" I tell her. She invites me to a monthly crafting time which meets in her garage. Two weeks ago, I attended (along with a dear friend and her mother-in-law) my first Women at the Cross gathering.

Being the first to arrive (no surprise if you know me😄), Rita showed us around her lovely, beach-cottage home, filled with love and many for crafts, photographs and projects. She told 
us how this group of women began meeting:  eight years ago, Rita's adult daughter was 
killed by a driver who was speeding. In the midst of her grief, she walked into her garage 

and began crying out to her Lord. The outcome of that time? A wooden cross, with shells glued onto it. This was the beginning of this powerful, regular meeting of Jesus-loving women of various ages and stages.

As I drove home during Friday traffic on I-5, tears rolled down my face; "Thank you, Jesus, for answering one of my prayers". Since moving back to Southern California, I have been praying and asking the Lord for friends. In every place we have lived, he has been faithful to provide godly, fun, passionate women in my life. That day I rejoiced again, as he has proven himself faithful. Thank you, Lord for Shannon, Jill, Amber, Lisa, Stacie, Odette, Jodi, Jody, Rebecca, Marcia, Mandy, and Cindy V.


Monday, March 9, 2015

What's your State of Rest?

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Gen. 2:2

The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble. Prov. 19:23

Spending time this past weekend at the foothills of the San Bernadino Mountains, surrounded by peace and God's amazing creation, prompted me to write about rest.

Much has been pondered, discussed and written about this concept which tends to elude us in our fast-driven, technology-based culture. I admit upfront I am not writing as someone who has overcome this challenge in my life. I'm laughing as I write this, as my dear friends know I am currently experiencing a season in which I awake during the middle of the night and cannot fall back to sleep. This results in my falling asleep at the most i opportune times, such as this 
weekend during an "untalent" show at a weekend retreat-snoring to 

What comes to mind when you read the word rest? Physical? Mental? Spiritual? All of the above are part of us, and in order to function and live significant lives, we need to intentionally incorporate practices that result in a rested mind, body, and soul.

 I am not addressing the mind and body aspects, as most of us are aware of, even if we do not practice disciplines that aid us in a healthy, rested body and clear mind.

Spiritual rest, however, is as important, I would argue-the most 
important aspect of a rested person. We know God instituted the Sabbath as a day of rest (Gen 2:2). We also know that everything 
"went to pot", as my darling daughter would say, after the Fall (Gen 3). We also know Jesus came first and foremost to save us from our sin, taking our place on the cross, in order that we could spend eternity with the Father; he also came to give us life-" I have come that they may have life, and Have it to the full" (John 10:10). He also gives us another reason for his coming in Matthew 11:28, " Come to me all you who are weary, and I will give you rest".

I challenge us to spend a few moments reflecting on our current 
state of restful or unrestfulness. If you are experiencing anxiety, fear, depression, or hopelessness, I implore you to seek the Lord 
regarding your lack of spiritual rest. The Holy Spirit plays many roles, one of which is comforter. Will you go to him, fully surrendered, 
desperate, even, and allow him to minister, guide and direct you to rest-in Him, on Him, and through Him?


Monday, March 2, 2015


22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;therefore I will wait for him.” Lamentations 3:22-24

I believe I am entering a new season in my walk with Jesus-walking with him the past twenty-something years has been amazing, sweet, challenging, life-altering.  I believe surrender is something all of us battle in varying degrees, as we walk with our Lord. 

For me, strong-willed, fiercely independent in some areas, and stubborn, this act of surrender has been wrought with many attempts and not much success upon first glance. However, each season has taught me something, whether it was joyous or difficult.

While at a beautiful day spa, Glen Ivy Hot Springs, with a friend, I noticed how some women exhibited an air of ... peace, confidence, freedom. Thinking about this later, I realized, " I want that!" At a birthday party for my thirty-year-old niece, I spoke with a woman in her mid-fifties. I mentioned my observation to her and she affirmed my thoughts. She said, "You get to the point where you don't care-about the wrinkles, what people think." 

Recently, I joined a group of women of various ages, to pray. As we sat in a circle sharing our praises and prayer requests, I realized with much gratefulness just what a blessing it was to be surrounded by these women, many of whom have weathered great trials, tragedies and joys during their journeys with Christ.  The verse in Titus cakes to mind, "Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Titus 2:3-5

Ladies who are followers of Jesus, I exhort you to pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you who he would have you to mentor and who is the mentor in your life? These relationships need not be formal, yet they are imperative to maturity in Christ.  Involvement in this kind of relationship has many benefits, one of which is it helps to keep us accountable. We think a bit more seriously about our actions, comments and behaviors when we know we are in the privileged position to speak into someone else's life. 

I am honored the Lord has allowed me various opportunities in recent years to speak to women regarding parenting, homeschooling, discipline, or relational challenges. I take seriously the responsibility and receive much joy walking alongside others.

May you experience a closer walk with Jesus as he uses you to speak life and his truths into the lives of others.


Monday, January 12, 2015

New Year, New Season

New Year, New Season

In the past month, a few people inquired about my blog-was I still writing? How come they have not seen posts for a while?  I wish I had reason or could answer that I was engaged in something.... excitng, new, or challenging. Nope.

The honest response is I felt inadequate and not sure of myself. Midlife crisis? I don't think so; more like an identity crisis. For the past nineteen years, my primary calling (aside from my role as a wife for the past twenty-three) has been mother, with the last fifteen also including "homeschool" mom.

That has shifted in the past year-and-a-half. At the completion of this school year, my three older boys will have all graduated high school. My daughter is in public school, leaving me with my seventh grader, who will likely join his sister when he starts high school the year after next.

Our moves to Reno and Honolulu occurred while my children were young. This provided me with a natural in, opportunities to connect with other moms and their children. In both areas the Lord provided support and community for us. 

This move has proved most challenging to me. With older kids, I am no longer arranging play dates. We are not part of a co-op setting as in the past, thus 
losing some of the camaraderie that accompanies homeschooling through the trenches with others. 

One would think that with more time during my day, I would be meeting with Jesus daily, unhurriedly, with intimate devotional time each day. Nope.  I have allowed one of my passions to monopolize my time-reading.

Please hear me-reading is great. I have been a bookworm ever since I learned to read at the age of five. I lived across the street from a library which called my name and was also air conditioned (eascoast summers are quite humid and we cooled off with box fans and cold drinks). I realize that it has become an idol and needs to resume its rightful place in my life.

I am sure that the distance from God I have felt is directly related to the irregularity in my devotional time with him. A favorite pastor of mine says, "One day a week with God makes one weak". He also says, "How much of God do you have in your life? As much as you want of him." I am not suggesting this is THE marker of one's relationship with the Lord. For me, a time set apart, before 
starting my day, centers me, refreshing and refilling me with his Spirit so I am equipped and prepared to face the day. 

Knowing I did not want this season to continue, I prayed, asking the Lord to meet me and draw me closer to him. The other day I happened upon an online bible study, Loving God Greatly. I joined and the eight-week session starts 
today. The scripture memorization for the week is John 15:4, "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." The Lord gently reminded me of my incredible need for him and how it is his desire for me to bear fruit.

I rejoice and shout for all to hear:  "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19)."